Sunday morning, while they were sleeping, Israeli missiles detonated in a village in southern Lebanon called "Qana" killing 56 people total, 34 of which were children. The Israeli Prime Minister's response is, of course, to blame Hezbollah for it. Hezbollah didn't fire the damn missiles.
Bush's commentary was on the same lines. Expressing "grief" over the losses, and then claiming its all the terrorist's fault that it is happening. Would there even be terrorists without Israel creating them by invading other countries and killing people enmasse? People don't grow to hate you completely irrationally, oftentimes, there's a reason, and Israel gives the world plenty of reasons. And by proxy, since we're Israel's lapdog, it gives the world reasons to hate us.
People in Lebanon are already blaming us. In response to the attack outraged citizens marched on the U.N. buildings in the area, breaking windows, slashing furniture, vast vandalizm. Protestors are carrying "Death to America" banners and the entire west is getting condemned.
Bush claims this is an important part in the war on terror, I agree, it's just I have to ask who won this battle? Sure as hell ain't us. This is just going to create more support for Hezbollah in the middle east and terrorism in general. We're fueling the fires of Western and Israeli hatred instead of taking the wind out of their sails. We're creating more terrorists faster than we're killing them, and committing acts of terror at the same time by killing innocent civilians in large numbers. Over 500 people have died since the Lebanese campaign started.
There's no telling what's going to happen now, Secretary Rice is cancelling her diplomatic visit to the region (I wonder if she's worried about getting hit by Israeli missiles) so hopes of a peaceful and swift resolution at this point are looking dim. If this keeps up, soon a real conflict will emerge. Maybe Qana will be the spark that ignites the entire region ablaze. Something your kids will read about in history textbooks many years down the road?
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