Thursday, November 09, 2006

I think i've reached a new low

Bad day.

Go up stairs to get something to eat and use the restroom at around 1 a.m.. On the way to the bathroom, I slip on something, fall, and hit my head on the floor in the process. It hurt. What's worse is I woke everyone up. Then I realize what I slipped on was a pile of dog vomit. Everyone comes out of their room expecting an intruder or some other spookey night occurance, and instead it is me laying in a pile of dog vomit which I have slipped on during my way to the bathroom.

For waking up everyone up the task of cleaning it up is delegated to me.

I realize this is a pointless self-serving post that none of you care about. I'm making it anyway. I hate dog vomit.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

