Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Technology and Terrorism

Lets go back to 9/11. Roll back to right after the acts had been confirmed as terrorism and follow the thought process. Why did they attack us?

This was only asked briefly in passing. Immediately greeted with a response of, "They hate our freedoms." Or maybe it was the Infidel excuse, make it religious. Nevermind the fact that the Muslim religion is tolerant of Christians and Jews, infact they hold the position that all three religions worship the same god. Why would they attack a country out of sight and out of mind, responsible for pumping money into their region via oil sales, for absolutely no reason?

Well, I've already gone over that. It's a history of conflict between Westerners and Middle-Easterners. Even going back to the Crusades. It might've started religiously, with the Crusade's goal of retaking Jerusalem, but the most recent reason was political. We supported the creation of the Nation of Israel, causing a region of the world to erupt into violence for the last what, 50-60 years? Ever since then it's just gone back and forth and people have become more and more entrenched in the fighting.

We think we can defeat terrorism militarily, by killing anyone who wants to kill us. The whole concept is nonsense. Each and every time you kill a terrorist you polarize their friends and family against you. You create more terrorists with each one you kill. Iraq's been a shining example of that, whether you think they had WMDs or not, whether you think there were terrorists or not, we can certainly agree that after Iraq more terrorists exist in the world, not less.

So if we can't kill them, disarm them? Impossible. You cannot control every arms manufacturer, you can't keep them from making it themselves, and you can't patrol the world. It's simply not possible. No system is flawless, eventually weapons will fall through the cracks, and end up exploding in America. The problem with technology is that it is incredibly condensed power. In the past if you wanted to kill say, 500 people, you needed 500 people to do it. Technology enables the individual to commit acts of senseless brutality that only armies could in the past.

So in the world we live in, you cannot kill all of your enemies, you cannot stop them all, and technology enables the few that succeed to do massive damage. Lets face it, it's just a matter of time until a terrorist gets ahold of and detonates a Nuclear Weapon on U.S. soil. So what's the solution? How can we truly be safe? Simple...

Stop making enemies. It doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong. If we want to be safe, stop making people want to kill us. This goes back to "why"? Why do they want to kill us. Cause they hate who are? Nope. It's cause of Israel, our attitude towards the world, and our machoesque policies.

We *know* the world despises America. If we know that, how do we think we can possibly win the war on Terrorism?

1 comment:

Shelby said...

<3 >_>
